Saturday, November 19, 2016

Field Guides: yes, still going!

Well, it's been a while since I posted here, but I am still producing Field Guides, and I'm nearly half way through publishing the whole set.

The latest one came out two days ago,

...and as the title would suggest, it's a guide to identifying the various Redwoods that we have in the UK.

I find that their names are so contradictory - if Sequoia is Californian Redwood, then surely Meta-sequoia ought to be Giant Redwood, yes?

No. It's Dawn Redwood, the deciduous one.

Giant Redwood is Sequoiadendron.

With this confusion in mind, I made a Crib for them, and I still have to refer to it every time I look at these trees, as I seem to have a complete blind spot for this family!

Anyway, the book is now out, here's a direct link to it, or you can go to my Author Page and check out the whole list.

As always, these books are FREE to download if you have Amazon Prime or Kindle Unlimited, and it doesn't even matter if you don't have a Kindle, as Amazon kindly provide a free programme ("app") to allow you to download them to your pc, laptop, or other device.

So there you are, no need to ever be confused about Redwoods ever again!