Thursday, January 5, 2017

Tree ID courses in London this year

If anyone is interested in learning more about tree ID, here are a couple of courses being held by the FSC (Field Studies Council) in Bushy Park over the next couple of months:

Saturday February 25th 2017: Tree ID in Winter for the FSC:

This is suitable for complete beginners: even if you can't really recognise trees in summer, you can still learn to do it in winter, and just think how much easier it will be once they have leaves! A short one-day introduction to the subject, we will spend the morning doing "Identifying", by working through the keys in the FSC's own Guide to Winter Trees, then in the afternoon we'll be doing the short-hand version, "Recognising", using my Cribs: and yes, you get to keep the Crib afterwards!

If you can't make the date or location, check out my book on the subject, Winter Tree ID, free to download if you have Kindle Unlimited or Amazon Prime, and only a few pounds, if you don't.

Saturday March 18th 2017: Introduction to Conifers for the FSC:

If you think you know nothing at all about Conifers, this is the course for you! It's a one-day course, with a lot to cover, but by the end of the day you will be able to recognise most of the commonly-found Conifers in the UK to genus level. No, not genius level, genus level - being a genius would take more than one day...  if you can't make the date or the location, this course is based around my book Conifer Basics, which is an easy introduction to a difficult subject.

Saturday March 25th, 2017: How to Be a Self-Employed Gardener for the WFGA:

A chance to ask me any questions you like about starting up in business: having done it myself, and having quite literally written the book on this subject - How To Be A Self-Employed Gardener, to be precise - I am always happy to talk about it, and to answer questions, to encourage more people to take this step and become self-employed as Gardeners. Even if you are already self-employed, this workshop will help and encourage you to take it to the next level, to be better: and to charge a realistic rate for it!

Saturday May 20th, 2017:  Introduction to Broad-leaved Trees for the FSC:

An easy introduction to our common street trees: if you struggle to spot an Oak from a Sycamore, this course will show you what to look for and how to use a Key to narrow down the options.